How to assign licenses to users via the Plain Java API?

Accepted answer


By the way, it is possible to use the repotools -createUser command to assign licenses.

Thanks Ralph, I've spent hours with Google and as I've worked my way through adding team areas, adding users to them and assigning roles to the users and must have missed that along the way. I'll study that next ...
For information, I work in an environment where although I am the Jazz administrator I have no logon access to the Production servers (don't ask ...) so administration via a client interface is critical. Repotools is not an option for me. We are anticipating migrating to a cloud/SaaS implementation in the near future so the same consideration will apply.

You could have found most of the stuff here: I just haven't done the license upload.
My trick searchin is adding at the end to search only here for API examples. Otherwise you might get too many hits. You can do that for sites you know. I did not include the link I meant and
I agree it should be easier to find examples, but too few users publish.

Just a thought, have you treid to put a server install on your local machine (e.g. the plain zip version) and run the repotools against the company server? You provide a repo connection and I don't think it is a requirement to run the repotools on the server hardware.....
One other answer

The post from BamBytes was taken down and can no longer be found. I posted a new example: .