Is creating BIRT reports still supported on RTC V6.0?
One answer
You should not have any problems to create BIRT reports on RTC v6.0. Actually, it's a good option when JRS can't offer a way to report something.
Thank you Tiago, good to know.
I am running Version: 6.0.2
Build id: RTC-CLIENT-I20160323-2215
But I don't seem to get a entry field to enter the parameter, neither from the preview tab, nor when I run the report as html. How do I get support to see what is going on?
If you have problems with the popup, it may have nothing to do with RTC. In other words, it can be a pure BIRT issue. You may get more information or support on the below forum.
As Donald said, it should be not a RTC problem, maybe you are making some config mistake. But, all I can say is: you are able to define report parameters using BIRT and RTC 6.0.2 (I already did this).