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How do you stop empty comments from being created in RTC

jeanie Keen (132123) | asked Jun 04 '14, 7:03 p.m.
How do you stop empty comments from being created in RTC web?  I set up the validations that do not allow a item to get delivered unless it is associated with a work item and a comment is entered.  We get an error then the empty change set is created.

2 answers

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Jun 04 '14, 8:35 p.m.
Hi Jeanie,
I hope I understand your question correctly. Do you mean when creating a change set from Source Control of web client, both a comment and a work item association are required?
For that case, you can add the precondition "Require Work Items and Comments" for the operation "Deliver (server)" in the operation behavior. This setting takes effect for delivering using SCM command line and web client.

jeanie Keen commented Jun 05 '14, 10:17 a.m.

Tha is what i did to require the comments and work items.  The issue is that it throws the error that comments and work items are required, then it creates the changeset with no comment.

Tim Mok commented Jun 05 '14, 10:48 a.m.

I haven't seen this before and cannot reproduce. It shouldn't happen so you might want to open a bug about it and provide the steps to reproduce.

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Joe Lynch (1479) | answered Jun 05 '14, 2:57 p.m.
Not sure if this is the same thing, but we have something similar.  This occurs when users first do a check-in without delivering.  The system does not prompt or force you to enter a comment or associate a work item.  If the user later does a Deliver, the system does not prompt for a comment or work item, it just throws the error that a comment and work item are required.  To get around this, we tell everyone to use the Check-in/Deliver option.  When you do them together, the system prompts the user for a comment and a work item, therefore, no error is encountered.  Hope that helps.

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