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RTC -5.0.2. Want to get Rest API values for all the categories in RTC at a time

Suganya Selvanayagam (132) | asked Oct 25 '16, 2:46 a.m.
 I am using Rational team concert - 5.0.2 version. I am having 100 + category values. I need to get Rest api (filed against value ) for all the categories in RTC at a time. Please help me

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Nov 01 '16, 1:56 a.m.
I'm not sure how you can get all these "at a time". I believe you mean with a single request? The category value is stored as a URI in the work items, and you need to access this URI to get the category name and other information. So I believe some kind of iterations have to be done.

You can use the reportable REST API.

Or you can use the OSLC API to step through Project Area, Resource Shape till you get to the "allowedValues" of the category (it is a list of URIs mentioned above). The URI looks like this:

And each category URI looks like this:

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