How to hide work item type from team in RTC?

Please have a look at explanation below:
I have 2 team ie. Team A and Team B
I want that "Team A members can't access work item type of Team B Members's work item type.
What I have tried for Team A : At least one team area's member should not be able to see if it is restricted access of work item
1. created team area A then added users in teams
2.Then created category and selected team in category and select check box of "restrict access work item"
3. save
When i checked user of that team was still able to see those work item which i have restricted from category.
Hope to get you back
2 answers

Restricted access is explained here:
The article also explains it.
I have looked into the various ways of restricting access and the category based restricted access works. So if restricted access is specified for a category a user that is not a member of the process area (or a member of a child process area of said process area) and does not have JazzAdmin repository permissions can not access work items filed against the category with restricted access.
Note, this is totally independent from work item types, the limitation is for all work items based on the category association.

Possible approaches you could try are:
- Some plan types such as release plans don't show execution items, unless otherwise specified in the Plan Details
- Exclude>Execution Items will filter away any Execution item even if it is a child
- The display selected in a plan controls if it is hierarchical or not