Summary Section of Test Script during TCER execution
Accepted answer
Hi Don
it seems like channel is hard-coded. By default channel is disabled but still appears, so I couldn't find a way to remove it.
ok thanks
I have tested on the in-progress RQM v6.0.3 and if channels are disabled in Manage Project Properties -> Execution Preferences -> Enable Channels, then Channel field is not appearing in the Summary section of the execution page.
1 vote
Thanks Vijay, that's good to know. So do you think we should consider the current behavior(5.x and 6.0.2) is a defect when Channel is disabled by default but it still appears in summary section of execution page?
(note: when there is no test environment associated with the TCER. nothing shows up. Only when there is test environment in TCER, channel is there empty even though it is disabled)