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How do you turn off HTTPS for RM?

Ian Giblett (2621416) | asked Oct 07 '16, 6:34 a.m.


I’m trying to get Unity working with our Jazz environment using OSLC. I’m getting TLS errors in Unity because the HTTPS certificate on the server is not valid. Normally, when I create a C# application to work with Jazz I can tell it to ignore the fact that the certificate is not valid but for some reason Unity won’t let me do that.

 We tried disabling the HTTPS on JTS. The way to do this is by editing the web.xml files for each jazz application and changed the confidentially setting to NONE. This works for CCM, QM and JTS. When we use the HTTP address for QM, CM and JTS it works fine.

The problem is that RM has no equivalent web.xml in which we can set the confidentially. (Well, not that we could find anyway!) All attempts in the browsers to use HTTP cause jazz to spring back to HTTPS.

Our DOORS server is running on an isolated network and only test data so security is not an issue. We don't mind that passwords would be transmitted un-encrypted.

Best regards,



One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 12 '16, 3:35 a.m.
I would try to solve the initial certificate issue. Not sure what RM product you refer to, but I am assuming it might be Doors/Doors web access. In that case this is not the right forum really. would be a better place.

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