RQM documentation
Accepted answer
As RQM certification exam is for v4, hence you will need to access to v4 RQM online help. V6.x is quite different from v4.x as it has a lot of new features.
There is no specific QM documentation for certification exam unless you want to attend class training.
Usually you want to refer to [test preparation] in
and the main reference is QM online help and [Rational Quality Manager Learning Circle] in the above site.
Based on my own experience, the above online help(v4.x) and learning circle related documentation should be enough for the exam.
There is no specific QM documentation for certification exam unless you want to attend class training.
Usually you want to refer to [test preparation] in
and the main reference is QM online help and [Rational Quality Manager Learning Circle] in the above site.
Based on my own experience, the above online help(v4.x) and learning circle related documentation should be enough for the exam.