Relative references in Design Manager 6.0.2 Active Mode
One of our guys has created a model in Rhapsody where units from a generic model are used alongside those for a more specific implementation. He uses relative references to load the units of the generic one into the specific one. The models sit next to each other in the file system. How would I go about uploading these models into Design Manager and maintaining the references. Thanks for any help.
Richard Good
Sep 01 '16, 6:10 a.m.I guess no one here knows Design Manager ;-(
At the moment active mode really doesn't work very well. You would think IBM would have one of their people check on this forum and answer any design manager questions every so often. Disappointing
Richard Good
Mar 10 '17, 5:34 a.m.still interested in thoughts on this one - anyone out there use Design Manager?