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Restrict changing type of Approval once it gets approved

Parveen Patel (77426) | asked Jul 29 '16, 7:17 a.m.

Hi All,

We have designed change management solution, in which we have created custom work item.

We have added two different approval at two different states. We have added approval of type "Approval" in state "A" which needs to be approved while moving to state "B". In state "B" we have added approval of type "Verification" which needs to be mandatory while moving to next state. [Mandatory check for approval is added using precondition Required approval on Type and State]

However what we found was, if "Approval" is approved, one can change the type of it to "Verification" and that is perfectly legitimate. After that the state that needs "Verification approval" to be approved goes ahead without any issues. This is captured in the history tab but this shouldn't be allowed in the first place.

IT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED to change the type of approval once you have added it and its approved/rejected.

This needs to be fixed on prior. Please guide me if I am missing any configuration. 

One answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 01 '16, 3:23 a.m.
Please see the same question here:

Parveen Patel commented Aug 02 '16, 3:08 a.m.

Hi Ralph,

I have gone through the answer but it didn't resolve my issue, with this permission we can only restrict user from changing State of approval, which we don't want.

I want to restrict user from changing type of approval.

Also I have written precondition but using precondition we can't determine approval is removed or renamed.

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 02 '16, 3:17 a.m.

If you are not able to compare the old and the new state and determine the approval change, all you can do is to create an enhancement request to have a better identification of the item.

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