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Link Requirements from RDNG to Test cases in RQM when importing test cases from excel

I am using the Excel Add-in to import the test cases/scripts from excel to Rational Quality Manager (RQM)
My requirements are in Rational Doors Next Generation (RDNG) and want to link them with the test cases in RQM via the excel add in.
Is this possible.
If yes, what changes need to be made in to the configuration file.
If no, is there any automated or easier way to map requirements with test cases. I know that we can link requirements with test cases using the Link Requirements option.
Accepted answer

Linking test artifacts with existing RM requirement artifacts:
Additionally, there are samples (Both .xls and .cgf) that come packaged with the utility; take a look at the following two as a guide:
TestPlan Requirement Collection Test Case and Requirements
TestPlan with TestCases 001 linked to requirement 001
One other answer


can you please elaborate more on this. i am using rdng 6.0

In RDNG you can export to CSV artefacts with the ValidatedBy column, offline you can edit the ValidatedBy column with the id of the RQM test cases where you want to link. Import the CSV file and the validated by links will be created. NOTE : If your RDNG project have associations to a RQM projects in different servers it will not work ( due to id's redundancy. PLS let me know if questions.