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Attaching multiple test cases to a Requirement in RQM 2.0

Maria Amalan (784366) | asked Aug 19 '09, 10:51 a.m.

I would like to know if it is possible in any way to attach multiple test cases to a single requirement at one shot.

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John Nason (2.4k1012) | answered Aug 25 '09, 5:59 p.m.
Unfortunately what you request is not possible through the UI.
Almost all of our "multi select" actions are provided through the list/table views. So, for this case the logical place would be in "View Test Cases", where you could select N Test Cases, then press an "Associate with Requirement" button. Not there, though.

You could do it with some use of our API, but unless you're in some type of mass import scenario I don't think that would make sense.

You can always submit an RFE (Request For Enhancement) through



I would like to know if it is possible in any way to attach multiple test cases to a single requirement at one shot.

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