error in Process Configuration Source "schema_reference: Failed to read schema document 'ProcessSpecification.xsd' error using RTC Eclipse Plugin
Using a Mac, Eclipse Neon 4.6
3 answers
This issue can indicate a communication issue when calling the RTC server.
In our case the HTTP server did not return the correct headers.
When I called the server directly on port 9443 everything worked fine.
Try this first before re-installing eclipse many times. (Like I just did)
Also the [workspace]/.metadata/.log file can give you information that the error log view inside eclipse doesn't
When Eclipse is running in a 1.8 JVM, this happens. Whenever I install a new Eclipse, I forget this, research it, remember, and then add...
-vm C:/Progra~1/Java/jdk1.7.0_79/bin/javaw.exe eclipse.ini.
When you add this, Eclipse is running with Java 1.7, which is almost the same as Michael's answer. If you don't specify it, Eclipse will try to use the JRE located in the same path (if available) or the system JRE.
1 vote
Exactly. One of my coworkers solves this by setting his system environment variables to 1.7. I would much rather my system be using the latest, and just Eclipse use 1.7 if RTC insists.
If you use the RTC full package (not an Eclipse plugin), the IBM JDK is included, and used by RTC by default. It is not affected by the System JRE. If you use a standalone Eclipse, IBM has no control over it and you need to ensure that the environment is compatible. The Java 8 support may not get into 6.0.4 based on the discussion on this plan item.
350615: [CLM P1] Support deployments with Java 8 by bundling it
As you can install multiple JRE/JDK on one machine, you can use the latest Java (e.g. Oracle Java 8) as your system default JRE, and a suitable version for RTC.
Note that if you want to compile with Java 8 within RTC, it is still doable, just search the forum for past discussions.
1 vote
Donald Nong
Jul 19 '16, 8:53 p.m.I suggest you use a different machine with a different RTC Eclipse client to check whether the process configuration source itself is corrupted.