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How to add users of a specific role to the subscriber list in RTC

swapna das (3324872) | asked Jul 18 '16, 11:11 a.m.

Hi Team,

   We are using CLM 6.0.1. We are having one requirement like to add a list of users with a particular role  to the subscriber list.

E.g. - We are having "n" number of teams in our  project in RTC. In each  team we are having "n" number of roles .

Our requirement is  if we create a work item in a Team Area, then all the users with a specific role will be automatically added to the Subscriber list.

Thanks in Advance,

Swapna Das

One answer

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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Jul 18 '16, 1:40 p.m.
there is no mechanism to do this with the product function. you would heva to write a server side extension to do this.

ralphs blog has some examples

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