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How to install and configure DB2 32 bit client drivers for Build Forge

Ernesto Ramirez (131018) | asked Jul 14 '16, 7:18 p.m.
I have tried to install IBM DB2 database client drivers but according to Knwoledge center " Use the 32-bit drivers."

The system is :
x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I have tried but I receive and error

User Response:

Install DB2 using the DB2 install image that corresponds
with the current platform 'Linux/x86-64'  "

I just find 32 or 64 , not x86-64.

This is the last step missing for completing my DB2 Setup for BF.

Please help.


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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jul 15 '16, 2:36 a.m.
I'm not sure why the DB2 installer works this way, but you can bypass this by calling the actual installer directly, that is client/db2/linux/installer/db2setup (assuming you have the "ia32" version of the DB2 client package). Note that many required 32 bit libraries are missing on 64 bit Linux as they are not installed by default. If the db2setup command fails to run, it will tell you which library is missing. Install it as appropriate. For example, on my RHEL 6.7 64 bit environment, I need to run the below command to install the missing libraries in order to launch db2setup (I already installed many other 32 bit libraries when previously installing other 32 bit applications).
yum install libaio.i686 pam.i686
You can also use "ldd" to identify the missing 32 bit libraries and install them.

Ernesto Ramirez commented Jul 15 '16, 8:13 p.m.


It opened the installation wizard.

However it finishes so quickly  that I'm not sure if it really installed the Client.

Is there a way to verify if the correct libraries were installed?

Ernesto Ramirez commented Jul 15 '16, 8:16 p.m.

In response file:

Generated response file used by the DB2 Setup wizard
generation time: 7/15/16 8:11 PM
  Product Installation
FILE       = /appsdata/ibm/db2/V9.7
  Installed Languages
LANG       = EN

Donald Nong commented Jul 17 '16, 9:18 p.m.

Not quite sure what you mean "so quickly". Did you get to this screen at all?

I tried with v10.1 but it should not be much different. You can see the installation path there. In your case, I suppose you opted for /appsdata/ibm/db2/V9.7, right? You should also get a "post-install steps" screen at the end of the installation.

Ernesto Ramirez commented Jul 18 '16, 11:34 p.m.

No, I didn't see any screen at all. So I guess it didn't install the libaries. Installation begins but all suddendly "finishes" without any message.

Donald Nong commented Jul 19 '16, 12:54 a.m.

Have you checked the content under "/appsdata/ibm/db2/V9.7"? If it's empty (not installed), you can try the command "db2setup -r <response file>", then check the log file for any errors.

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