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license upload problem

Alexander Schinko (35511812) | asked Aug 19 '09, 5:49 a.m.

when I try to upload our RTC licenses into the License Manager I always got following error:

Error uploading License Activation key: CRJAZ097xx There was an error while reading the license: The system cannot find the path specified.

The tomcat server is installed as a service.

I already tried to set the provisional information as absolute path in the config directory and restarted the server. But this action was changing anything about the problem.

Thanks for any ideas,

4 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 19 '09, 8:12 a.m.

when running RTC as a server you are required to make the provision_profiles absolute paths. There is a technote about it. I have seen instances where this was done wrong and RTC could not save the licenses. I assume you run RTC 1.0 since in 2.0 the license, in believe, is stored in the repository.

I am not sure that the error message is complete. You should check the logs which directory RTC tries to access.

I have also seen funny things happening if the license is uploaded as zip file - it is supposed to be extracted and the license.jar file is supposed to be uploaded.


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Alexander Schinko (35511812) | answered Aug 19 '09, 8:29 a.m.
Thank you very for the tips, but I already tried like I described above.

Actually I'm running RTC 2.0!

The logs say nothing.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 19 '09, 9:19 a.m.
I had that with a customer recently. Apparently the server needs to be forced to reread the specification sometimes.

Can you try to request the server to reread with this URL:

That should re read and hopefully dump the data in the tomcat/work directory.

Tomcat keeps data in the Tomcat/work directory. You could also try to shut down the server delete that directory manually and restart the server/service.


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Alexander Schinko (35511812) | answered Aug 20 '09, 5:04 a.m.

indeed the relative path setting was the problem and has now been resolved.

Thanks for help,

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