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Gidi Gal (962058) | asked Mar 29 '19, 8:59 a.m.
it is mentioned IVersionedContent is required for accepting change-sets. I looked for public API which returns IVersionedContent, found only However. this method uploads content to server.

Also, there is this documentation in IVersionedContentManager:

  Items can have content attributes (e.g. attributes that store large amounts
of data) by specifying of type of the attribute as
  {@link}. The content is then stored
in the repository in a two-stage process.

What API allows access to these attributes ?

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Andrew Niefer (7135) | answered Apr 12 '19, 10:02 a.m.
You would probably find the subclass IFileContent more interesting.

You get the IFileContent from IFileItem, which I think might be the only subclass of versionable that has content.

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