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User properties in Jazz Source Control

Oliver Kerschhaggl (32) | asked Jul 04 '16, 5:15 a.m.
edited Jul 12 '16, 1:00 a.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)
In a project we want to attach meta information to file versions (e.g. "version=1.0.1"). We tried to use "User Properties", which works. However, there are some questions about the usability: 

We are looking for a way to see the User Properties somewhere in the RTC Eclipse Client easily without many clicks. The easiest way we found requires three clicks:

(a) a right click on the file in the resource view, then
(b) a click on "Properties" and then
(c) a click on "User Properties" 

Is there a better way?

Strangely we do not see the User properties in the Eclipse view "Jazz SCM Properties". Seeing the properties there  would be sufficient for our project. Can this be configured somehow?

Ideally we would like to see the User properties as decorations in the Resource view all the time. Can this be configured?

Are there other, better means than User Properties to attach the described information to file versions?

We are using RTC 6.0.1.

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 04 '16, 6:53 a.m.
User properties (and custom attributes) in SCM have always been intended to be used by custom automation or integration.

So there is no easier way to use custom attributes built in I am aware of custom attributes don't even have a UI.
So, in general you can create  decorators (org.eclipse.ui.decorators) and views and context menu extensions in the Eclipse client. However, you will have to do that on your own and maintain the code.
Oliver Kerschhaggl selected this answer as the correct answer

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