RTC-SCM-CLI: lscm.bat launches second instance of scm.exe in case of error
I executed below steps:
1. Opened command prompt and executed "help" command using lscm.bat
As this is the first time lscm.bat is called in my PC, it took some additional time and it launched scm.exe => fine
help information is displayed properly.
- load command failed with error: Failed to acquire locks on requested sandboxes in 60000ms
3. In the same command prompt,executed "login" command using lscm.bat (As I've not logged in before, I thought that was the reason why the previous "load" command failed)
- It took additional time before giving the status as "login successful"
- When I looked in Task Manager, another instance of scm.exe was running
4. When I executed "load" command again, it was successful this time. But I think this command was executed by the second instance of scm.exe and the first instance of scm.exe is sitting there idle. (But I'm not sure)
In step-3, why another instance of scm.exe is started in case of the "load" command failure ?
It affects the performance, as the user has to bear with the start up time of second instance of scm.exe and also more resource consumption as the first instance of scm.exe is still running in task manager.
Also, I'm not sure whether this behavior happens every time an error occurs in CLI. Could you please clarify ?
Thanks in advance.
Accepted answer
Thanks for explanation. It is now clear to me why 2 scm.exe's were running.
If I have 'N' number of sandboxes, and when I'm switching between them, and I have to perform sandbox operation on them, it will create 'N' number of scm.exe's right. In this case, how can I shut down scm.exe when switching to another sandbox ? [or] Is it possible to re-register that same scm.exe to another sandbox ?
Accepting this as the answer as it clearly explains the internal workflows during which separate scm.exes will be launched.
Karthikeyan Baskaran
Oct 14 '13, 2:05 a.m.Additional Info:
Closing the command prompt automatically closes both instances of scm.exe's