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Create Patch within Jazz Source Control

li xu (312) | asked Apr 27 '11, 11:21 a.m.
edited Oct 13 '17, 3:18 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)

In the pending change view, it can create Jazz Source Control Patch. Is there any way to generate the diff patch directly?

Accepted answer

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Michael Valenta (3.7k3) | answered Apr 27 '11, 11:26 a.m.
In the pending change view, it can create Jazz Source Control Patch. Is there any way to generate the diff patch directly?

What do you mean by that? You can create a patch with the SCM CLI, if that is what you are asking.
David Lafreniere selected this answer as the correct answer

li xu commented Apr 27 '11, 3:04 p.m. | edited Oct 13 '17, 3:18 p.m.

is there any easy way to do that directly within eclipse workspace?
eg. select file, then run the command like (create patch, apply patch)
just like how patch is supported with SVN repository...

Michael Valenta commented Apr 28 '11, 2:53 p.m. | edited Oct 13 '17, 3:17 p.m.

No. The action is only available from Unresolved changes and change sets in the Pending Changes view or from change sets in the Change Explorer.

li xu commented Apr 28 '11, 4:12 p.m. | edited Oct 13 '17, 3:17 p.m.

Yeah, I noticed that. However this creates a Jazz source control patch ... still different from the diff patch. I was looking for a diff patch...

Michael Valenta commented Apr 29 '11, 11:17 a.m. | edited Oct 13 '17, 3:17 p.m.

A Jazz Source Control patch is just a diff patch that has some extra metadata in the comments.

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