JTS custom setup wizard showing error of un-trusted connection.

Server 1 configurations:
· Active directory and LDAP ( Jazz admin and user groups have been created with particular users)
· Ms SQL Server
· WAS 8.5
Server 2 configurations:
· WAS 8.5
· This server is connected to domain which I have configured in Server1
Server 3 configurations:
· WAS 8.5
· QM
· This server is connected to domain which I have configured in Server1
Server 4 configurations:
· WAS 8.5
· RM
· This server is connected to domain which I have configured in Server1
2. After installing all the application on particular server I configured LDAP on each WAS profile. LDAP configuration is successful.
3. Database tables are created successfully for each application.
4. SSO has been configured on each server.
5. Then I run the JTS custom setup wizard on server1. During the setup wizard, first JTS with particular database and DW has been installed. Then applications are added form different servers. LDAP has been configured. When setup wizard moves towards CCM database configuration I am facing the following error. The CCM is installed on server2.
“ The connection is untrusted. You have asked Firefox to connect securely to server (the name of different servers on which CCM, QM and RM are installed. i.e ccm.myexample.com:9443). Particular server uses invalid security certificate". How can i resolve the security certificate issue or is there any way to ignore this.