Cannot see any templates when creating new plans
I am new to planning in RTC.
1. I have a master project area and child project area. We should be creating the timeline and iterations in child project area, correct?
a. I added a timeline and 2 iterations to the child project area, however when I try to create a new plan, in child project area, it asks
me to select a template for plan, but no templates are listed, am I missing something?
2. I don't have team areas and work item categories in my project area. Does this impact the planning activity?
3. In my customized work item, I don't use the inbuilt fields "Field Against", "ETC", "Correction". Instead I have a customized calculated field "ETC". Should that be a problem?
One answer
1) Timelines and iterations are not inherited when using process sharing, so you have to create these in the Child project area.
1a) when you say "template for plan", are you referring to the plan type? (Sprint Backlog, Release Backlog, etc..)
Hi Alexandre,
Here is the prompt I receive when I go to create a plan and select my iteration. I don't have any templates in the list and I don't know what I am suppose to see there.
Also, what are your thoughts on :
2. I don't have team areas and work item categories in my project area. Does this impact the planning activity?
3. In my customized work item, I don't use the inbuilt fields "Field Against", "ETC", "Correction". Instead I have a customized calculated field "ETC". Should that be a problem?
This is actually a work item template. Basically when creating a plan in Eclipse, you have the ability to also create new work items from a WI template. If you do not want to do it, you can simply skip this step and click "Finish" to create your plan. More info here
Thanks Alexandre,
Your information was very helpful. Would you happen to have any insight into
If i don't have team areas and work item categories in my project will this impact the planning activity?
Also, In my customized work item, I don't use the out of the box fields "Filed
Against", "ETC", "Correction". Instead I have a customized calculated
field "ETC". Would that be a problem?
I did not understand exactly what is the purpose of this custom attribute. What type is your custom "ETC" attribute? What do you use it for?