Star Collection job keep failed daily with error - ervice.starjobs.internal.StarRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: *****Finished Job Star at M/D/YY H:MM The job was unsuccessful.*****
Scheduled Star Collection job was failed daily with below message found when open the log file "jts.etl"
ervice.starjobs.internal.StarRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: *****Finished Job Star at M/D/YY H:MM The job was unsuccessful.*****
I need to manually trigger the job several times in order to run the job with status "Succeeded".
May I know what is the impact of above message? And any solution to overcome this issue?
Donald Nong
Jun 06 '16, 3:46 a.m.There are no details to take it any further. If you need someone to review the entire log file, please open a ticket with Support and provide the jts-etl.log file.