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What is the meaning of "server license policy does not allow the operation"?

Antoinette Iacobo (650712) | asked Sep 14 '15, 10:34 a.m.
I was trying to look at the TRS feed and I got the following message: 
HTTP Status 403 - An error response was received from the Jazz Team 
Server. Status=400.  Message: CRJAZ0977I The 
"" server license policy does 
not allow the "" operation.


Anyone know how to resolve?

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Roberto Sanchez Herrera (2862) | answered Sep 14 '15, 12:24 p.m.
Maybe the information in this knowledge center article can help you.

Antoinette Iacobo commented Sep 14 '15, 3:11 p.m.

Thanks Roberto, but I don't have a distributed environment and checked that I do have 2 TRS Consumer-Internal licenses assigned to jts_user and lqe_user. 

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