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Category value drop-down shows 'Deleted' for deleted values

Maria Amalan (784366) | asked May 23 '16, 6:01 a.m.
 I have deleted one of my category values but in place of that category value now, I am seeing the value 'Deleted'. Why is this coming and how can i remove this? I have also permanently deleted that value from the Trash, even then I am seeing deleted.
However, when i try to Add Value to the category, I can still see that value in the list of values. I haven't found any information on how to delete values from this list. Can someone please guide me?

Artifact: Test Plan
Category: Tool
Category Values: ABC, XYZ, UVW
I have deleted the value "ABC", now in the Tool drop-down, I am seeing the following values: Deleted, XYZ, UVW

One answer

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered May 24 '16, 9:59 a.m.
You may be running into the following defect
Defect 147432 Purged values shown as "Deleted" in Change Category dialog.

If so, the issue has been addressed in versions 6.0.2 and 6.0.1 ifix005

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