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CLM Monitor 6.0.2 Not Capturing CPU & System Load Correctly.

Robert Carter (42928789) | asked May 11 '16, 11:38 a.m.
edited May 13 '16, 9:32 a.m.
 I have setup the CLM Monitor 6.0.2 on Liberty server.  I have connected the CSM Agent using JMX Localconnection not the IBM Rest Connection.

I have noticed that the PercentCPU is not being updated correctly in problem activities.  I have had heavy usage and the CPU is sometimes more than 80%  However, the problem records with PercentCPU enumerations are not being updated correctly.

Anyone else experiencing this?

The OOTB report is using percentCPU as a number like, 90.  But the field data in a decimal like this, .40.  So the query, 24h By Duration (Problem Activities) or Past Hour By Duration (Problem Activities) never work.  I have to change the query to use percentCPU as a decimal and then the query generates correct data.

I have an example of an activity record where the PercentCPU Enumeration is < 40%, but the decimal PercentCPU is > 40%.  I think when the data is pulled in it is not assigning the correct enumuration and thus my OOTB queries are not working.

Query Screen Shot

Robert Carter commented May 11 '16, 2:17 p.m.

 I noticed the "System Load" is also effected by this as well.  I created a series of queries to mimic the enumerated values of PercentCPU and SystemCPULoad.  I tried to use the bulk edit feature int he query to update those enumerated  fields, but it is not letting me change those values. 

Ralph Schoon commented May 13 '16, 4:49 a.m.

 I fail to see the question that is asked here.

Robert Carter commented May 13 '16, 9:15 a.m. | edited May 13 '16, 9:16 a.m.

The CLM Server Monitor is not correctly reporting PercentCPU in the problem records. All records are have PercentCPU as < 40% CP utilization.

For Example: If you look at the previous screenshot.  Look at the last record in the query result.  You can see the actual PercentCPU is 0.72 and yet the PercentCPU Enumeration is set to < 40%.  When it should be set to Enumerated value, >=70% to <90%.  I have tried to run a query to change these values myself, but I am unable to edit these work items.  The Bulk query update does not fail with error.  However, the records are not updated. When you look at the dashboard widget it makes it seem as there are not problems since is uses the PercentCPU Enumerated Attribute not the PercentCPU actual Attribute.
Percent CPU Widget

Ralph Schoon commented May 13 '16, 9:18 a.m. | edited May 13 '16, 9:22 a.m.

 But why is this a question in the Forum? Consider writing a PMR for support.

The developers or support are not monitoring this to create PMRs for you. If you want that addressed, write a PMR or work item. 

In general, if your text does not contain a question (and it does not) then it does not really belong here into this forum. It could be a heads up in case of serious problems, but otherwise the posts here are called questions for a reason. Users can post questions here hoping that other users have solved the question, have an idea, solution or work around.

Robert Carter commented May 13 '16, 9:21 a.m. | edited May 13 '16, 9:21 a.m.

I am asking to see if anyone else has this problem.  Or maybe I did something wrong with my configuration of CLM Monitor.  I will consider adding this as a PMR as well.

Ralph Schoon commented May 13 '16, 9:26 a.m.

 In that case, please edit your post subject and/or body and add the question part.

Robert Carter commented May 13 '16, 9:33 a.m.

I have created a ticket here:

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