How to create multiple Test Execution Records running the same Test Suite?
Accepted answer
Hi, Theodone
If you add test suite to a test plan and use various combination of test environment to generate test suite execution record for one test suite within test plan's test suite section, you should be able to have multiple TSER for one test suite.
If you add test suite to a test plan and use various combination of test environment to generate test suite execution record for one test suite within test plan's test suite section, you should be able to have multiple TSER for one test suite.
I added a test suite to the test plan and when I tried to execute the test suite, it brought up the 'Define Record Details' window.
However, the 'Test Plan', 'Iteration", and 'Test Environment' fields were all blank and the menu was blank also, so I was not able to specify anything in these fields. With nothing specified in these fields, clicking 'Finish' did nothing and the test suite did not run at all.
You need to go to Test Environment section in test plan to define it first and schedule can provide iteration for test plan with which you can then create multiple TSER.