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Procedure to install RMExtensions

Kanagasabapathi R (17314) | asked May 04 '16, 12:16 a.m.

We are planning to use the default RMExtensions in Websphere instance, before that i have few queries to clarify can anyone please help ?

1.Is there any difference between different client extensions capability (for ex. between 5.0.2 and 6.0.1). we are planning to use the sample extensions provided in the wiki -

2.what is the procedure to upgrade a client extension capability from one version to another version (consider from 5.0.2 to 6.0.1)

3.Will the client extensions will also receive updates like CLM ?

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 04 '16, 1:59 a.m.
 For all I can tell, all there is is documented here: . Extensions are created by customers/users and have to be maintained by them. I assume the example extensions will be maintained, but you can't rely on it. 

The API might change, so you will have to test your extensions. Dependent on how you deploy your extensions, you might have to deploy them again or in a different way. E.g. CLM 6.x ships with WAS Liberty Profile instead of tomcat and a different way to deploy the extensions is described in the wiki.

You could use your own Apache server for extensions, in which case you won't have to redeploy, unless you want to.
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

Kanagasabapathi R commented Aug 12 '16, 1:12 a.m.

Thank you Ralph

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