How to create a report to show requirement approval in DNG?
We are using the in built review/approval feature for requirements in Doors Next Generation (ver 6.0.1).
We would like to generate a report that list:
We would like to generate a report that list:
- Requirements that have been approved
- Requirements that have been rejected
- Requirements for which no review/approval is created
One answer
Hello Rohit,
as far as I know JRS Report Builder doesn't allow to report on requirement approval neither with the DW or LQE data sources.
Best Regards
Francesco Chiossi
as far as I know JRS Report Builder doesn't allow to report on requirement approval neither with the DW or LQE data sources.
Best Regards
Francesco Chiossi
Hi Francesco,
is there any way we can generate a list of requirements that have been reviewed, not reviewed or rejected, may be some out of box capability in DNG itself?
How about some column displaying the review state?
Hello Rohit,
my area of expertise is mostly reporting, I leave it to someone with deeper DNG knowledge to comment on this.
Best Regards
Francesco Chiossi
Thanks Francesco