How do I get to the the administration page of the application?
I have generated the key for enabling configuration management but can't find the administration page of the application: https:// fully_qualified_host_name :9443/ application_context /admin. I am using version 6.0.2 RC3.
One answer
Please find the link below.
The GC url should be https://server:9443/gc/.
Thank you for the answer. The link you shared is where I found out that how I have to enable the configurations. I am using the "Task guide for Rational Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) 6.0 M9 beta hosted on" so I am trying to set this up in sandbox04 and need to know what URL to use. I tried but it does not work.
•You must have Jazz™ Administrator privileges. - how do i know if I have these??
1.Go to the administration page of the application: https://fully_qualified_host_name:9443/application_context/admin.
2.In the navigation at the left, click Advanced Properties. - I don't know how to get to this??
Any help is appreciated!
Check your user's profile. If you have the JazzAdmins process role, you are a Jazz Administrator.
Thanks for the answer Donald. I only see my personal info on the profile page, ther eis no section for managing roles and privileges.