Monitor concurrent users

Is there any tool to monitor concurrent users in the IBM ELM application.
2 answers


AppD(MBeans configuration) shows less consumption of concurrent user license whereas in server, the consumption is high.

OK, so specifically which MBeans and counters are you collecting from? And where are you looking on the server to see the consumption that's higher?

MXbeans: Services)

Can you suggest the MXBeans which are used for the tracking concurrent users?

Floating license consumption statistics-Concurrent use
This facet captures the floating license consumption from the servers
Advanced Property
Member of LicenseMetricsCollectorTask
You enable this bean by setting Enable License Consumption Metrics MBean to true
Object Name<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=Floating license concurrent use, facet=All servers, counterName=*

Thank you for answering my questions promptly. It was really helpful in configuring suited MXBeans for our application.

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