Can someone help with account changes?
OK, long story long...
I've been trying in vain to update my account (need to enter new email address since the one on the account is no longer valid, among other things) without success.
Today, I signed up for the DevOps services w/ BlueMix which I believe took me to JazzHub. I then tied my ID to my IBM ID. That all worked, and I can see that I can update my Jazz ID from there. When I tried to save my changes, I got the following error:
"Choose an ID that is at least 3 characters long (up to 24 characters) and includes lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9)."
My current ID meets this criteria.
Please advise.
If you need to reach me offline, my email is
Accepted answer
Hi Robert
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please correct me if i am wrong. I am thinking you are encountering this issue while updating you Jazz profile. If so can you please send an email to with the following details
jazz ID and IBM ID. I am anticipating your jazz ID could be a legacy ID.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please correct me if i am wrong. I am thinking you are encountering this issue while updating you Jazz profile. If so can you please send an email to with the following details
jazz ID and IBM ID. I am anticipating your jazz ID could be a legacy ID.