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What's the URL for an existing sandbox?

Keith Collyer (456511) | asked Mar 04 '15, 6:36 a.m.
edited Mar 04 '15, 6:39 a.m.
Maybe this is a dumb question, but I created a sandbox and forgot to record the URL. If I try to create a new one, I get told it already exists. So where do I go to use the existing one?

Evan Hughes commented Mar 04 '15, 2:29 p.m.

Could you provide more background? You can see your list of known sandboxes in the Eclipse client by going to Preferences > Sandboxes. 

I don't usually think of sandboxes as having an URL (like file:///blah/blah). Are you using an extension like RDz or TPK/tk?

Accepted answer

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Doug Ishigaki (6612) | answered Mar 12 '15, 12:27 p.m.
To answer the original question: The URL's looks like the following. This example is for the CLM GA sandbox -- "sandbox02":

This of course assumes you have already created a project area through
If you see the message, "There are currently no project areas. Contact your administrator to get started," DO NOT contact your administrator.  Go to to create your project area.

Substitute sandbox numbers appropriately (This is as of March 2015 and subject to change):
sandbox01: CLM sprint milestone sandbox without new Configuration Management
sandbox02: CLM GA sandbox
sandbox03: SSE GA sandbox
sandbox04: CLM sprint milestone sandbox with new Configuration Management

Keith Collyer selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Keith Collyer (456511) | answered Mar 10 '15, 12:04 p.m.
It's an issue in the sandbox creation (see Turns out I had never previously created a sandbox, though the error message I got convinced me that I had.

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