Is there a way to create an empty Backlog Plan
We would like to create an empty backlog plan and manually add items to the plans and groom by adding tasks. And later pull them into sprint release plans by changing the Planned For value.
Looking for a more reduced view only grooming items we want to as opposed to seeing everything in the backlog. We are using the SaFe3 Program template in CCM
One answer
Well, a plan in RTC can be thought of as a special query which displays Work Items based on the Planned For value and the Filed Against field depending on who owns the plan. To have an "empty" Backlog plan, you may have to go in and set additional display filters.
It sounds like you want to make visible Work Items of a specific type. Is that what you want?
We would like to be able to manually add items to the plan, rather than have them sucked in automatically based on Planned For, is that possible?
No, as Robert correctly stated, a plan is just a query. The only way to have an empty plan is to configure the plan so that it matches no work items.
OK thanks for the response.