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How to connect Eclipse BRIT report to new jazz data source ?

Alex Stamenov (1125) | asked Mar 28 '16, 8:44 a.m.
I have Eclipse with BRIT installed and I am trying to create new RTC report. When selecting jazz data source I get prompted to enter the following parameters:

Repository: <- filled in automatically by the tool
Snapshot: ??? what do I put in here ?
Project Area: ??? what do I put in here

Where do I find the values for snapshot and project area in order to connect successfully to a jazz data source ?

We use RTC via a web client at:

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permanent link
Alex Stamenov (1125) | answered Mar 28 '16, 8:59 a.m.
Never mind !
I found the answer: when I click and select the Repository link, Eclips filles in the other 2 property list boxes and I just jave to select from them the correct entry. However when I click finish - I get null pointer excpetion in Java language class.
I am stuck !

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