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Choose language for Team Concert Client Plugin?

Christoph Balthaus (2111) | asked Aug 07 '09, 4:43 a.m.

I installed RTC Client Plugin 2.0 on Eclipse EE Galileo (3.5) following this ( manual.

I'm using Windows XP with regional settings set to germany and also languae settings and so on.

Now I'm trying to switch over my eclipse environment to english because the UI is mixed up with Team Concert plugin between german (Eclipse UI + most of RTC), but some menu items from RTC seem to be forgotten and they are displayed in english.

Hence msot of the docs is in english and some of our team members will be working with an english environment, I want ALL of our team members to work with the english version.

:twisted: Heres doing fancy RTC again it's own style

How can I switch RTC from german to english?
I don't find an menu option for that, I can't switch windows regional settings (and DON'T WANT TO) and RTC is ignoring that I configured Eclipse to use englisch ("-nl en_US" in eclipse.ini)

Thank you in advance!

7 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 07 '09, 5:33 a.m.
Hi Chris,

this is a bit annoying. I have the same issues and this is what I am doing....

First, the language set on the server is captured at project creation time and that somehow sets the default language.

To change the default language for Apache locate the server.startup script.
In the bottom area and look for

set JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true -DSQLSERVER_JDBC="%SQLSERVER_JDBC%"........

Add -Duser.language=en_US see below

set JAVA_OPTS=-Duser.language=en_US -Djava.awt.headless=true -DSQLSERVER_JDBC="%SQLSERVER_JDBC%"........

To change the language for Eclipse locate the eclipse.ini in the eclipse installation directory and add -Duser.language=en_US to the VM args.

For example my eclipse.ini looks like:


To avoid some pages showing up in the Firefox borwser I had to set it to english language as preferred and remove all others.



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Christoph Balthaus (2111) | answered Aug 07 '09, 9:17 a.m.
Aaaaaaaaaah! :D

I've got it solved:
There a slightly different way with another parameter for switching the language which Eclipse

With exactly your notation
in the ini-File it's now working

Thank you!

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Christoph Balthaus (2111) | answered Aug 07 '09, 5:47 a.m.
Hi Ralph, thank you for your tips!

For now, I'm just on the client-side, the server-side will be delivered to us preconfigured (and so it's luckily none of my business ;))

Your tip with the local eclipse-ini is working partly for me:

The menu is in english where it's from standard eclipse, for example the menu "Navigate"
the items contained are also translated correctly "Go into", "Go to ->".
But where the items seem to come from RTC they are german, so it's
menu "Navigate"
"Go into"
"Go to ->"
"Arbeitselement ffnen"
"Teamartefaktfavoriten ffnen"

and also the RTC views are the same (german).

How is it that RTC doesn't use the eclipse-settings?
Where can I switch RTC to english?


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 07 '09, 8:43 a.m.
Hi Chris,

that is strange. It works for me. I don't know why it shouldn't work for you then.

Does anyone else have an idea?


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Jared Burns (4.5k29) | answered Aug 07 '09, 8:47 a.m.
On Fri, 07 Aug 2009 13:23:02 +0000, c_balthaus wrote:

Aaaaaaaaaah! :D

I've got it solved:
There a slightly different way with another parameter for switching the
language which Eclipse

With exactly your notation
in the ini-File it's now working

Thank you!

If you want to set the locale to en_US, I think you should actually split
it up using these two properties:


If you're familiar with the java.util.Locale class, there are separate
fields for language and region. The way you're setting the property now,
the Locale object will end up looking like this:

Locale {
language = en_US
region = null

This is wrong. It will *often* work because of how the object computes
its toString, but it you could also get unexpected behavior at times. If
you use the two properties, the Locale will actually be correct:

Locale {
language = en
region = US

Jared Burns
Jazz Process Team

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 08 '09, 2:56 a.m.
I will put that into my lessons learned, thanks Jared


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George Clark (611) | answered Mar 21 '14, 1:35 p.m.
I would recommend taking a slightly different route, when editing the eclipse.ini file, instead of adding Duser.language at the end, add these two lines after the "--launcher.library" line and the line beneath it.


I say this because I was having issues getting the RTC client to load properly in pt_BR versus pt_PT whilst taking the 'Duser.language=' route. Here is the link to the Java 7 Supported Locale Page but I'm pretty sure RTC only runs in

Simplified Chinese     -nl ZH
Traditional Chinese     -nl ZH_TW
Japanese     -nl JP
Korean     -nl KO
French     -nl FR
German     -nl DE
Italian     -nl IT
Spanish     -nl ES
Portuguese(Brazil)     -nl PT_BR
Czech     -nl CS
Russian     -nl RU
Polish     -nl PL
Hungarian     -nl HU

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