How to Query WorkItem using AttributeOperation.CONTAINS with IWorkItem.ID_PROPERTY?
i am using the following query to fetch the work item. But it always returns empty result set. when i replacing CONSTAINS with EQUALS it return's exact result.
IQueryableAttribute wiidattribute = factory.findAttribute(projectArea, IWorkItem.ID_PROPERTY, auditableClient, null);
Expression wiidexpression = new AttributeExpression(wiidattribute, AttributeOperation.CONTAINS, id);
Let me know , is it possible to query the work items with ID property having CONTAINS in condition.
Thanks ,
Pugazh S
i am using the following query to fetch the work item. But it always returns empty result set. when i replacing CONSTAINS with EQUALS it return's exact result.
IQueryableAttribute wiidattribute = factory.findAttribute(projectArea, IWorkItem.ID_PROPERTY, auditableClient, null);
Expression wiidexpression = new AttributeExpression(wiidattribute, AttributeOperation.CONTAINS, id);
Let me know , is it possible to query the work items with ID property having CONTAINS in condition.
Thanks ,
Pugazh S