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Custom Reporting --- Failed to log into data warehouse RIDW

Dave Payne (81152) | asked Aug 07 '09, 3:13 a.m.
I've just installed the Custom Reporting tool for RQM on my linux machine with my own WAS server. The web application is running ok, but I can't seem to connect to the data warehouse database RIDW. I have checked the userid and password in the jdbc connection string 'jdbc:db2://localhost:50001/RIDW' and the db2 port address. I already use the same jdbc connection details for the Content Manager database RICM and that is working fine.
The DB2 aliases are correct.

However, I still get the following error message when I test the connection. Any ideas why ?

I have checked the internet, IBM and Cognos websites for likely causes but none of the remedies have helped.

Thanks for your advice

QE-DEF-0285 The logon failed.
QE-DEF-0321 The userID or password is either missing or invalid.
RQP-DEF-0068 Unable to connect to at least one database during a multi-database attach to 1 database(s) in:

UDA-SQL-0031 Unable to access the "testDataSourceConnection" database.
UDA-SQL-0129 Invalid login information was detected by the underlying database.
SQL1013N The database alias name or database name "RIDW" could not be found. SQLSTATE=42705

BME-EX-0144 Trace back:
BmtPlayTransaction.cpp(744): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: BmtPlayTransaction::DoAction
BmtActionsHelper.cpp(475): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: BmtActionsHelper::DoAction
QFSSession.cpp(603): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: QFSSession::ProcessDoRequest()
QFSSession.cpp(601): QFException: CCL_CAUGHT: QFSSession::ProcessDoRequest()
QFSSession.cpp(1417): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: QFSSession::SessionProcessTestConnection()
Source/QE_RsApi.cpp(2064): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: QE
Source/QEI_ConnectionFault.cpp(807): QFException: CCL_THROW: QE

7 answers

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fu liang (1133) | answered Aug 07 '09, 5:17 a.m.
I also meet the same error,anybody help!

I've just installed the Custom Reporting tool for RQM on my linux machine with my own WAS server. The web application is running ok, but I can't seem to connect to the data warehouse database RIDW. I have checked the userid and password in the jdbc connection string 'jdbc:db2://localhost:50001/RIDW' and the db2 port address. I already use the same jdbc connection details for the Content Manager database RICM and that is working fine.
The DB2 aliases are correct.

However, I still get the following error message when I test the connection. Any ideas why ?

I have checked the internet, IBM and Cognos websites for likely causes but none of the remedies have helped.

Thanks for your advice

QE-DEF-0285 The logon failed.
QE-DEF-0321 The userID or password is either missing or invalid.
RQP-DEF-0068 Unable to connect to at least one database during a multi-database attach to 1 database(s) in:

UDA-SQL-0031 Unable to access the "testDataSourceConnection" database.
UDA-SQL-0129 Invalid login information was detected by the underlying database.
SQL1013N The database alias name or database name "RIDW" could not be found. SQLSTATE=42705

BME-EX-0144 Trace back:
BmtPlayTransaction.cpp(744): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: BmtPlayTransaction::DoAction
BmtActionsHelper.cpp(475): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: BmtActionsHelper::DoAction
QFSSession.cpp(603): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: QFSSession::ProcessDoRequest()
QFSSession.cpp(601): QFException: CCL_CAUGHT: QFSSession::ProcessDoRequest()
QFSSession.cpp(1417): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: QFSSession::SessionProcessTestConnection()
Source/QE_RsApi.cpp(2064): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: QE
Source/QEI_ConnectionFault.cpp(807): QFException: CCL_THROW: QE

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Casey Bubert (56) | answered Aug 07 '09, 9:34 a.m.
So, you probably know this but it warrents mention that you're not using the default db2 port it looks like, the default is 50000. Could you post your entire connection string? Did you try connecting without using the signon and using the text boxes on the test connection page instead?

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Dave Payne (81152) | answered Aug 07 '09, 2:02 p.m.
So, you probably know this but it warrents mention that you're not using the default db2 port it looks like, the default is 50000. Could you post your entire connection string? Did you try connecting without using the signon and using the text boxes on the test connection page instead?

Yes, the db2 port is correct 50001 as mentioned I already use this port for the Content manager connection with a similar string which works ok.
I have tried all different signon variations including specifying the userid and passed on the connection page.

Here is the full string from the web interface. I assume the %s will be filled in with the correct password by the application: -

^User ID:^?Password:;LOCAL;D2;DSN=RIDW;UID=%s;PWD=%s;jdbc:db2://localhost:50001/RIDW@ASYNC=0@0/0@COLSEQ=

/etc/services entry for db2inst2 :-
db2c_db2inst2 50001/tcp

db2inst2 config entry for the service is :-
db2inst2@dpayne:~> db2 get dbm cfg | grep SVCE
TCP/IP Service name (SVCENAME) = db2c_db2inst2

I do appreciate this is a tricky one to resolve.

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Dave Payne (81152) | answered Aug 12 '09, 9:04 a.m.
Are there any useful logs or debug options that I can use to fix or diagnose this problem ?


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Casey Bubert (56) | answered Aug 12 '09, 9:26 a.m.
the primary Cognos log is in /cognos/logs/cogserver.log. you could also check out the ri_jdbc.log file in Documents and Settings/current user/logs/ri_jdbc.log

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Dave Payne (81152) | answered Aug 12 '09, 9:42 a.m.
the primary Cognos log is in /cognos/logs/cogserver.log. you could also check out the ri_jdbc.log file in Documents and Settings/current user/logs/ri_jdbc.log

Thanks for the advice. The cogserver.log shows no errors just initialization messages. I don't have a ri_jdbc.log, is that a windows only file ( I'm on SuSE linux).


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Jay Xu (61) | answered Jun 30 '11, 2:24 a.m.
the primary Cognos log is in /cognos/logs/cogserver.log. you could also check out the ri_jdbc.log file in Documents and Settings/current user/logs/ri_jdbc.log

Thanks for the advice. The cogserver.log shows no errors just initialization messages. I don't have a ri_jdbc.log, is that a windows only file ( I'm on SuSE linux).


Any updates on this old topic? I met the same issue

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