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Is there a possibilty to query the https://alm.example.com/qm/oslc_config/resources/com.ibm.team.vvc.Configuration by projectArea?

I need a solution to query for the configurations from my projectArea, but an oslc.where using the projectArea does not seem to work.
Accepted answer

When I use OSLC discovery, I see an OSLC service provider that defines a service that includes the following:
oslc:queryCapability [ a oslc:QueryCapability ; oslc:queryBase <https://localhost:9443/qm/oslc_config/resources/com.ibm.team.vvc.Configuration> ; oslc:resourceShape <https://localhost:9443/qm/oslc_config/resourceShapes/com.ibm.team.vvc.Configuration> ; oslc:resourceType <http://open-services.net/ns/config#Configuration> ; dcterms:title "Default query capability for Configuration"^^rdf:XMLLiteral ] ;That service provider is not specific to a project area. The data says that the query base URI is https://localhost:9443/qm/oslc_config/resources/com.ibm.team.vvc.Configuration
See https://docs.oasis-open-projects.org/oslc-op/query/v3.0/os/oslc-query.html#oslc.where
However, when I tried a query on
is (after using a
parameter to define the
namespace), it reported the error:
AQXCM5004E The query, process:projectArea, is invalid.
property, so this suggests that the property cannot be queried on, confirmed by the above error message.
So the short answer to your question is that it appears your use case is currently not supported. You will have to post-process the query results to exclude configurations that are from project areas that are not of interest. Feel free to submit an enhancement request through the IBM Ideas Portal: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/welcome-ibm-ideas-portal
One other answer

Did you discover the URI as a "oslc:queryBase" ? If so, it likely will be. Just adding arbitrary parameters will likely not work. Here is the standard: https://docs.oasis-open-projects.org/oslc-op/query/v3.0/ps01/oslc-query.html

Thank you for the response

You can not just throw arbitrary data into the URI and hope it starts working. In my experience if you do something that is wrong, the query usually will not work or not return what you want.
I did https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2022/02/22/ewm-oslc-query-api/ for EWM, maybe that gives you some ideas what to try. You need to work with the specification in any case.

Yes. I understand that throwing random data is not the approach.