[RTC EWM DNG RQM]Can I send an invitation email for PROJECTAREA or TEAMAREA? Use API
Can I send an invitation email for PROJECTAREA or TEAMAREA? Use API
I would like to send it all at once to teach a specific person among the registered members, but I think that the operation on WebUI is not efficient, so I think it can be done with API.
It was unlikely to be an old API document.
One answer
The DraftTeamProcessAPI is, as far as I am aware, to maintain the process configuration for project and team areas and not to send invitations. I am not aware of a public REST API for this.
Thank you for the explanation.
We use The DraftTeamProcessAPI to register many users at once, such as when creating a successor project area.
I want to send an invitation email at this time.
If it's your first registration, you can just resend it to everyone from WebUI, so it's easy.
If a similar task occurs after the second time, it takes a considerable amount of time, which is an internal challenge.
InternalAPI. Tracing WebUI operations means you have to deal with the confirmation pop-up dialog for outgoing mail.
When it comes to parts that can only be completed with a browser and human interaction, scraping XML seems impossible.
Since you are running an external application, I would suggest you use a public E-mail API to create and send the E-Mail to your e-mail server. You can control the content of the mail and the recipients.
I know that the Java EWM SDK can be used to send e-mails - see https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2015/10/16/due-date-notifier-an-asynchronous-task-example/ , but I am not aware of a public web based API to do that.