What is the XML syntax for a RQM testscript step which contains a link to an image file
I have successfully imported XML based testscripts with multiple test steps created from our previous repository. Many of our test case steps include an embedded image file (a png, jpg, or bmp file). I cannot seem to find the syntax that allows me to upload the image file, and I cannot seem to find the syntax to link to that uploaded image from the testscript.
My preference would be to upload the file and the script all at once in one XML so that I don't have to try to rationalize the links later; however, any working syntax will do! I am using the RQMUrlUtility to import the files and we are currently using RQM 6.0.
Thank you!
Accepted answer
Thanks. We upload the artifacts with unique names and use the Atom Feed for artifacts to pull down the RQM IDs for the artifacts and match them up with our unique names.
Then use the attachment's ID as the replacement reference (while encoding HTML characters), so:
Difference column displays a <img height="29" src="/atm/suites/folder1/folder2/filename.bmp" width="31" /> icon
if there are differences
Difference column displays a <img height="29" src="
Unfortunately posting formatted HTML does not work well in a tool that displays HTML. Take two on the "becomes:"
Difference column displays a <img height="29" src="https://YOUR SERVER NAME/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/YOUR PROJECT APA NAME/attachment/urn:com.ibm.rqm:attachment:11298" width="31" /> icon
if there are differences
(where "11298" was the id associated with the attachment.)
I believe you just stated how you managed to do it in such a fashion, is it correct? It does not appear as a follow-up question to me.
Correct that was our work-around. There are no more open questions on this thread