CC/CQ connectors - real world usage?
We are currently using CQ and CC with UCM integration. Looking @ using RTC for distributed teams, and using the CC and CQ connectors built into RTC for synchronizing code/work items.
1. Is there anyone who uses these connectors in a production environment? I'm looking for any anecdotes for how well they *really* work. As these are "connectors" between disparate systems, our management is somewhat leery about these being fragile and causing more issues than they solve.
2. Let's say we've got 50 developers using RTC, and all 50 of those have code that will be synchronized into CC. We will of course have the 50 developer licenses for RTC here. Are there any additional licenses that will need to be purchased? IE, I've seen in our trial that there is a "ClearCase Connector license", but I am unsure if we need just one of those across the board, or one per user?
3. Same question as #2 for CQ... How many licenses?
4. When code is sync'ed over to CC with the UCM integration, does it handle picking up the correct CC/CQ "activity" so that in CC, another dev/CM person can see what CQ record is associated with the code commit?
Thanks in advance,
Mike Johnson
1. Is there anyone who uses these connectors in a production environment? I'm looking for any anecdotes for how well they *really* work. As these are "connectors" between disparate systems, our management is somewhat leery about these being fragile and causing more issues than they solve.
2. Let's say we've got 50 developers using RTC, and all 50 of those have code that will be synchronized into CC. We will of course have the 50 developer licenses for RTC here. Are there any additional licenses that will need to be purchased? IE, I've seen in our trial that there is a "ClearCase Connector license", but I am unsure if we need just one of those across the board, or one per user?
3. Same question as #2 for CQ... How many licenses?
4. When code is sync'ed over to CC with the UCM integration, does it handle picking up the correct CC/CQ "activity" so that in CC, another dev/CM person can see what CQ record is associated with the code commit?
Thanks in advance,
Mike Johnson
12 answers
In order to see the code changes made in a given activity, you have to follow the link to the repository in which those code changes were made. So we maintain full traceability via the link to the work item in the jazz repository, but you have to traverse that link to see the detailed information.
Thanks! One last question -- when you say the "link to the work item in the jazz repository," do you mean there's some kind of URL preserved in the UCM activity that a user could click on to browse to the changeset in the Jazz web interface, or do you mean the RTC work item "headline" in the UCM activity description?
We have an enhancement filed to create a URL link in the description
field, but currently we only store the headline, which you would paste
into the RTC work item "search" field to access the identified work item.
micjohnson997 wrote:
field, but currently we only store the headline, which you would paste
into the RTC work item "search" field to access the identified work item.
micjohnson997 wrote:
In order to see the code changes made in a given activity, you have
to follow the link to the repository in which those code changes were
made. So we maintain full traceability via the link to the work item
in the jazz repository, but you have to traverse that link to see the
detailed information.
Thanks! One last question -- when you say the "link to the work
item in the jazz repository," do you mean there's some kind of
URL preserved in the UCM activity that a user could click on to
browse to the changeset in the Jazz web interface, or do you mean the
RTC work item "headline" in the UCM activity description?
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