RTC 3.0 compatibility with Oracle driver
According to:
RTC 3.0 needs ojdbc5.jar ( as the JDBC driver.
Instead, RTC 4.0 needs ojdbc6.jar (
So, if I upgrade the Oracle driver to the required version for RTC 4.0, will a previous installation of RTC 3.0 still work?
I need this information because in order to plan a rollback if the migration 3.0 -> 4.0 fails.
Accepted answer
Luca, https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/t_s_server_installation_setup_oracle.html mentions you have to set up an environment variable that points to the right Driver JAR file. My assumption is, you can either add a specific setting to each deployment or change it back if you have to roll back.