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Is it possible to export JRS default reports ?

Katrin Heymann (19824563) | asked Feb 24 '16, 12:11 p.m.
We plan the CLM upgrade to 6.0.1 and before I want a evaluate if the reports will work in the existing 5.0.2 version.
In 5.0.2 there is the JRS already installed.

Is it possible ?

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Cherie Revells (18111) | answered Feb 24 '16, 9:12 p.m.

I'm not sure I understand your question exactly.

When you upgrade from 5.0.2 to 6.0.1, your existing reports will still be available in 6.0.1 and should run as they did in 5.0.2.  If you install 6.0.1, but do not run the upgrade scripts, you can import your reports that you exported from 5.0.2.  However, I would recommend running the upgrade scripts.

You cannot import reports built in 6.0.1 into a 5.0.2 install.

I hope this helps.
- Cherie
Katrin Heymann selected this answer as the correct answer

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