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Status for Execution Step in Test Script is Greyed Out

Lavernita Martin (132) | asked Aug 06 '09, 11:42 a.m.
I have created a testcase with 1 test script (which contains manual steps). When I execute the step in the test script, the drop down box with the status of the step is greyed out. The only thing I can do is apply the status which is set to pass. I did notice that the next step in my script is a verification point and the status drop down box is not greyed out. Is this working as designed? If not, how can I choose a different status for the step?

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Mark Victory (26635) | answered Aug 06 '09, 2:17 p.m.
I believe that is working as designed in RQM 1.x. You can only apply results to reporting steps.

In 2.0 you can select the results to apply to execution steps as well as reporting steps.

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