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Datawarehouse jobs not running. Seems to be errors in the setup. How much data will be lost if they are recreated

Michael Johnson (44718) | asked Oct 05 '15, 8:59 a.m.

I installed RTC 5.0.2 and everything seemed fine until we realized that there was no status of datawarehouse jobs ever being run.  This is on Oracle 11g. 

My question is:  If I drop all of the datawarehouse tables and user and recreate - would the historical data be recreated from the ccm tables.  What am I going to lose? 

Accepted answer

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k479103) | answered Oct 05 '15, 9:13 a.m.
Hi Michael,
Historical data from data warehouse is recreated for RTC.

But I would focus on the errors you have:
1. Which data warehouse collection solution are you using (old application jobs or DCC)?
2. Do you see any error messages in log files?
Michael Johnson selected this answer as the correct answer

Michael Johnson commented Oct 05 '15, 10:18 a.m. | edited Oct 05 '15, 10:47 a.m.

Hey Krzysztof,

I am not using DCC. 

So, here is the back story.  

I initially installed RTC 6.0.  This (for some reason did not go well).  I decided to reinstall, but with 5.0.2.  I did not want to lose my 6.0 progress and decided to install the 5.0.2 tablespaces in another area.  I believe my mess up is that I dropped all of the users except my datawarehouse user (which was still pointing at the index files in the old directory, but had new dw.dbf and dw_temp.dbf files in the new directory). 

So...rookie mistake - now I am trying to save my 5.0.2 install. 

Question 1:

If I drop all of the dw tables/dw user and recreate - do I lose anything? 

Question 2:

If I installed DCC - would all of this get fixed?

Thanks for your quick response. 

Basically, I have all of the DW index files in the wrong location.  If I drop these and the DW tables and recreate - will the data from the projects be recreated?

Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk commented Oct 05 '15, 10:45 a.m.

Question 1:

If I drop all of the dw tables/dw user and recreate - do I lose anything? 

Answer 1:

No, you will not loose the data

Question 2:

If I installed DCC - would all of this get fixed?

Answer 2:

No need to install DCC here. Just correct your mess in the data warehouse.

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