DNG review

Hi All,
I am exploring DNG feature for review for clm 6.0.1, When I browse artifacts and open a module and select artifacts and try to add them to review I don't get the option for adding artifacts to review..
When I browse the module folder and select artifacts and then try to add them to review I find the option available.
My question is Why I don't see the option for adding artifacts to review by opening module.
Thank you,
Kunal N
Accepted answer

Reviews can be done only with base-artifacts which are different of module-artifacts. Each artifact in a module (module-artifact) has a related base artifact so all artifacts in a module are module-artifacts as opposite when browsing artifacts in a folder or view. The same applies for creating collection, you can do it with base-artifacts only.

Thank you Fabian for your reply..
One more thing after adding artifacts to review, still I am able to edit those artifacts which are in review. in this case then I don't understand what is the use of adding them to review.
Thank you,

Formal review differs from a Informal review on in Formal you cannot make any change on the artifacts in the review but in Informal those artifacts can be modified. So it depends what you want. Those modifications I refer is in the Review context. Because you can modify the base artifacts anytime. The difference is that if you modify a base artifact that plays in a Formal review, the change wont be propagated to that review.