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work In Progress Limit on Kanban Board

Vivek Pandey (4321738) | asked Feb 08 '16, 6:04 a.m.


We are using RTC V 5.0.2.

while using Kanban board on RTC plans, we found that while we can setup work-In-Progress Limit in the plan, it does not validate the status changes outside of plans.

e.g. Let's say I setup the WIP limit as 5 and set to error our when WIP limit is reached.

However, I could change the 6th work-item status to "In-progress" using work-item editor / inline editing of workitems.

Is that expected ?

Would WIP limit work only if state transition happen using kanban board plan and not using work-item editors ?

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Feb 08 '16, 6:37 a.m.
Yes, the WP limit only works in the plan, the work item editor does not know anything about the plan the work item would happen to appear and it will not prevent you from changing as many work items as you want.

You will have to review the plan and see the issue and then check what to do about it.

Geoffrey Clemm commented Feb 11 '16, 2:54 p.m.

Agreed, and since a given work item can be in an arbitrary number of different plans, with inconsistent constraints, evaluating every work item change against all plans that do (or might) contain it would be quite confusing (as well as being prohibitively expensive).

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