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Assertion Error _ failed to serve the Request - Allowing transition to "Done" without approval

nannette Mori (50883) | asked Jan 23 '19, 12:19 p.m.

RTC 6.0.3

I have Mandatory Approvals Pre-condition enabled for my User Stories and Eng Tasks before transitioning to the "Done" state.  However the users are able to transition to the "Done" state without an approval.  In the CCM log I am seeing the following Error when the user moves it to the Done state without the approval.  There is no error displayed to the user.

ccm/oslc/contexts/UUID/workitems/services.xml failed to serve the request REASON: Assertion Failed org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException: assertin failed

Does anyone know why the approvals pre-condition would stop working?  How do we resolve this issue?

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