Is it possible to share test cases across different projects?
We are doing an enhancement project on an existing system and have a new CLM repository for our project. At this point - we have identified components which need to be re-tested on the system and the test cases have already been created in the original project when it was delivered.
I am trying to use the Project area definition to share test cases from the old Project to our new repository. In the "Associations" section I added the "provides" Quality Management Tasks association from the old project to the new. BUT this has not made anything from the old project visible in the new project.
What are Quality Management Tasks? Are test cases a Quality Management task?
Any suggestion how I could copy a sub set of test cases from one project to another?
We are doing an enhancement project on an existing system and have a new CLM repository for our project. At this point - we have identified components which need to be re-tested on the system and the test cases have already been created in the original project when it was delivered.
I am trying to use the Project area definition to share test cases from the old Project to our new repository. In the "Associations" section I added the "provides" Quality Management Tasks association from the old project to the new. BUT this has not made anything from the old project visible in the new project.
What are Quality Management Tasks? Are test cases a Quality Management task?
Any suggestion how I could copy a sub set of test cases from one project to another?
Accepted answer
you should be able to use the duplicate test case operation. You select the test cases you want and select the duplicate function in the drop down box by the check box of selection of test cases. You can then select which project area you want to duplicate them to and whether you bring forward links. The caveat is that the categories and values on the test cases in the destination project must be a proper subset of the source project area or there will be issues with mapping of categories and values.
2 other answers
OK....It is not what I hoped it would be. I thought 'Task' is a general term for artifacts in Quality Management but it is actually a variant of a work item. And the configuration change allows these things to be shared across the two projects, not the test cases. Question answered. I know there is a Test Case copy utility available - which was going to avoid having to use because it is non-trivial. But it seems to be the only way.